Crew Project Assets or Crew Files are files you want to share with fellow Crew members or share with your Instructor or TAs.
If your instructor has added you to a Crew, you should see a Crew Hub button appear at the top of your dashboard right next to the Help Chat button.
On your Crew page, you'll tab labeled Crew Files. Your Crew Files tab is a shared space for any members of your crew to upload and share assets.
Crew files will appear beneath any Crew Projects your instructor may have assigned.
Crew files also display in your My Files tab on your dashboard. Click the folder labeled with your Crew name to access those Crew Files.
Keep in mind that if a crew member deletes a file, the whole crew will lose access to it - it will be gone for everybody!
Hover over the file want to download.
A download icon will appear all the way to the right of the screen
Click it to begin downloading that file to your computer.
How to share Crew Files
You can also share any crew files directly to Discussion Tab or to Individual members by clicking on 'Share' Icon next to the Download button
What kind of files can be uploaded?
You can upload any file type. But only video, image, pdf, and .fountain files will be rendered in the platform and can be commented on within Smaschcut.
Any other file that is not currently supported will need to be downloaded and opened locally on your computer to review it.
Submitting your Crew project assignments
When you are ready to submit your Crew project as a group, click on the Project listed in your Crew Projects tab. If you need to upload your project, click the Upload File button, or select the file from the Crew Files -- beneath the project details area and click submit.